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Not satisfied in your work life?

Articles to help and enlighten

Helpful articles

I regularly publish a short article or helpful snippet to my Linked In page and to my blog. I have reproduced them below, for ease of reading. Firstly though, a general piece that can serve as an overview for the articles that follow:

Personal Counselling Issues

One of the most common issues that clients want to address when they meet me, is their ongoing anxiety. The feelings and thoughts involved are emotionally tiring and hold you back from doing what you want, whether that’s pursuing your career goal or going to that exercise class that you booked.

Closely linked with this is improving confidence. Self-doubt and turbulence in thought and behaviour mean that opportunities are not taken advantage of and you feel stuck.

Wanting to be more positive and motivated is another common issue, where you feel drawn towards the negative and find your energy levels are low.

Some clients ‘just want to be happier’ in their life, rather than feeling sad and not being able to clearly understand why.

Relationships feature in this for a lot for clients, who know that they are not giving or receiving love well and worry constantly about it.

Better mental health is a goal for many people.

I will spend time with you identifying what you want and helping you to achieve your outcomes. I do not believe that we need to dig down and analyse your past, something that has often been shown to make things worse for individuals.

Not satisfied in your work life?


If you not satisfied in your work life, please read on...

For years in my career I thought that the reason for my dissatisfaction was the job. I came to realise later, that the reason was me. Looking back at my career prior to working as a professional and personal coach, counsellor and mentor, I was not being me. Feedback told me that I was very hard working and achieved very good results. However, this did not cut it.

Are you able to distinguish between what you are very good at and what you really enjoy? It took me years to make the distinction. I grew up in my career with the belief that I had to play to my strengths, embedded by teachers, parents and line managers.

I would like to suggest that you spend a few minutes today answering this question for yourself. 

How would you feel if you were enjoying about 70% of your work life? An achievable goal, I think?

A starting point could be "which skills do I enjoy using in my existing role?"

"What can I do to increase the amount of time applying these skills?"

For example, if you enjoy planning and organising, could you spend the first 30 minutes of your workday revising your to-do list for the next week? This fits with the concept that baby steps in the right direction can increase your level of satisfaction incrementally. For example, by 1 point, up a scale from 1-10.

Try it and let me know how you get on.

If you would benefit from help and support with your needs and wants, do get in touch!

Big Love, Pam

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